Monday, April 13, 2020

Attitude of gratitude!

There is so much in life to be grateful for. From the first breath that we take while we wake up in the morning to the amazing parents that we have, amazing siblings, healthy mind and body, beautiful healthy hygienic place to stay in, beautiful clothes to wear, tasty food to eat, clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe, amazing friends to be with, prestigious college school or work place to be the part of.
Gratitude begins the time we start observing ourselves and the things places and people around us.
How beautiful it feels when someone compliments us isnt it?
But to give someone a compliment requires a silent observation, the way his or her action or appearance makes us feel, the inspiration, motivation, positivity that we get. If we can get so much enthusiasm, inspiration, motivation while we observe others, imagine what would happen if we deeply silently start observing our state of being. How beautiful it will make us feel while we observe and start complimenting ourselves even before someone else does it for.
Each and every cell of our body has about 70% of water content and water vibrates and holds memory. Our every thought that we think sends out certain amount of frequency and the cells of our body tends to vibrate with those frequency. Our thoughts are very powerful, we attract what we think about unknowingly, that is why it is always said think happy thoughts. Have you ever noticed when we compliment a child for the work which he or she has done without any criticism the child feels happy and starts taking more interest in the particular activity and puts best effort to improve. The same goes for our cells in body. The more we are thankful for each and every cell that makes our organ system, the more healthy we become, and the more healthy we become the more good we feel about ourselves.
We all our interdependent on each other for survival we do need other persons help to survive, so one must always be grateful for each and every person that plays even a small part in our everyday life.
Have you ever noticed why we tend to like people who are joyful, happy and the one who always have a smile on their face?
When we ourselves are happy resonate happiness, kindness,politeness that makes other person more comforting when we are around.
When we are happy in what we are where we are and however we are we automatically start vibrating on the higher frequency attracting more and more of such happy circumstances in our life.
We often tend to like someone who appreciates without complaining, gives without expectations, one who remains positive in every situation, one who unconditionally loves us. So yes we must become that someone to ourselves first and automatically we become that someone for someone and the chain continues.
Thank You is a very powerful word. Use it again and again and eventually you will notice you have so much to be thankful for.
One positive thought in morning or that one smile of appreciation to own self looking into the mirror and then boom!! your whole day goes with beautiful encounters, circumstances.
Every big thing is an accumulation of small things, so such small small activities small compliments, act of kind, brings about a major change in our life.
Every thing takes times, so if you take time to make things happen then it surely will be worth it.
Hope you all have a fabulous day ahead!
Thank you for reading my first blog ever.

by-Shweta Gowda


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